Saturday 23 July 2011


You all know what this post is going to be about.

I wasn't in Oslo when it happened. I'm visiting my mum at the moment, an hour away from Oslo (in the opposite direction from Utøya). As far as I know so far, nobody I know has been hurt in the attacks.

Still, it's really hard. I always feel a lot for other people and having something this dramatic happen so close to me makes me feel it even more. 

For one thing, the bombing was in my hometown. Where I've grown up. Even though we appear to have gotten away with relatively few lives lost in the bombing, things will never be the same. Our country has always felt so safe. Now I expect we also will see more security and restrictions, even though the politicians are saying Norway will stay the same. I hope it will, but I have my doubts.

Naturally what has affected me even more is the massmurder at Utøya. They were innocent kids. Some as young as 13 years old. I was shocked this morning when I woke up and my mother told me the number of confirmed deaths had risen to 84. It's insane. And incredibly surreal. That one person can do so much harm in such a short amount of time. I don't understand how anyone can bring themselves to do something like this.

I can't help but think of the summers when I too went to political youth camps. When I was 15 and 16 I went for a week with my political party to an island. It was very similar to this. And I had some of my best experiences there. I can only attempt to imagine what is must have been like to have those wonderful times turn into a nightmare. I think what I think about the most is the fear they must have felt and how horrific that must have been. To not know if you're going to survive and hearing and seeing your friends be killed around you.

My heart goes out to all the people who lost their family and friends yesterday. Most of all, my heart goes out to everyone who was at that island and survived. I can't imagine what you're going through, but believe me when I say, I feel for you. I've been crying on and off all day today. Our entire country is in mourning. As are a lot of other people in the world. That gives me hope.

Love from Maja.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Hello all English-speaking people!

My blog is now in English! Whoop! Hopefully I will update a bit more regularly than I normally do, but I can't make any promises. I keep saying I will and then I forget. So every two or three months, expect a giant update. I suppose that's good for all those who wanted to write letters with me, because then you won't already know what's been happening in my life before you get a letter. =)

So, I've been very lucky this summer so far. I've got both a job and a place to live for the coming year. It all went a lot quicker than I had hoped, so I'm really thrilled about it.

That will be all for now. =)

Love from Maja.

In English, please.

Hei alle de norske der ute...

Nå bytter jeg om til engelsk på bloggen siden jeg har kommet hjem til Norge og det er de der ute i det store utland som har mest nytte av å lese bloggen min kanskje. Som alltid skal jeg prøve (og antakeligvis feile) å oppdatere oftere.

Men først, en rask oppdatering til dere her hjemme. Jeg har, som sagt kommet hjem. Jeg bestod siste året i England. (Jippi!)Fikk en karakter som heter 2:2, som jeg var helt greit fornøyd med. Karakterskalaen er som følger: 1 (best), 2:1, 2:2, 3 (dårligst før stryk). Så jeg fikk ikke det beste, men ikke det dårligste heller. De aller fleste fikk samme karakter som meg. Jeg er bare glad for at jeg bestod jeg, siden siste året gikk såpass tregt som det gikk for meg.

Så hva er planene fremover?

Jeg har fått jobb! Whoop whoop! Skal ikke jobbe med noe som har noe med foto å gjøre til å begynne med. Jeg vil ha en liten pause fra det. Så først blir det et år i barnehage. Barnehagen heter Nedre Bekkelaget barnehage og ligger rett ved Ulvøya. Så får vi se hva jeg har lyst til etter det.

Jeg har også fått meg leilighet. Skal på io en liten kjellerleilighet på Tåsen. Der er det veldig fint, så jeg er superfornøyd med å bo der. Og så var jeg veldig heldig som fikk leilighet så fort. Det er jo så mange som vil ha et sted å bo i Oslo nå.

Både leie og jobb starter første august. =) Frem til det bare nyter jeg litt fri.

Det var alt for nå.

For siste gang på norsk,

Hilsen fra Maja.