Wednesday, 18 April 2012

I got in!

So.. I got offered a place on the makeup artist course at NISS (Nordic Institute for Stage and Studio). Now I just have to make a decision. I could go following my dreams and risk ending up with no job and an even bigger student loan, or I could be sensible and attend the University of Oslo and eventually end up as a teacher. Should I choose the latter, I would get much less of a loan (as it's a public university with no student fees) and I'd have much more of a chance for work. But that's not really what I want. I'm just afraid I won't be strong enough to go fight for the career I do want.

I wish someone could just come tell me what to do. I've got less than two weeks to accept or decline my spot at NISS. Scary!

- My biggest dream is to work with film. This is a way to do just that.
- I'd get a chance to work within all my major interests (film, fashion, theatre, TV, photography).
- I'd get to be really creative and have fun every day.
- It's only a year anyway, so I could still change my mind later.
- I wouldn't have to go around wondering "what if" and dreaming about a different life every day.
- I already know lots of people who work (or will work) in the industries. Lots of contacts that might potentially get me work.

- Money money money. The school fee is 108 000 NOK. An I already have four years worth of loan to pay back, three of which were in England and had student fees. And I'm not great with money. I tend to spend it rather than save it...
- Jobs are hard to get and I don't know if I will have the willpower to fight for them (as that involves having very little money a lot of the time).
- I could always go back and do this later, after I've got the security of a different education.
- What if I don't like it as much as I think I will?

Love from Maja.

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